smiles like a reptile Sunday, Jul 18 2010 

why so sad?

Maybe he just doesn’t want to go to that party.


NSFW, obviously. I guess I tend to draw men more often because men’s fashion interests me, but even I get annoyed with drawing the same subjects all the time. Also, I love vintage pin-up images.

gender outlaw

For the record, I do not recommend binding like that. If you’re gonna use Ace bandages, for the love of Bowie use the six-inch-wide variety and not the thinner ones. You have to wrap the thinner ones tighter to get the effect and they tend to shift around when you move, making frequent trips to the bathroom necessary to uh, readjust things. Also, it’s uncomfortable and potentially dangerous. Get thick elastic bandages or get a proper binder or whatever. Why do so few clothing companies address the needs of humans with breasts who don’t want to have breasts? I realize that we’re a tiny percentage of the population, but hey, thin people are also the minority and the entire fashion industry caters to that demographic.

I suppose I’ve felt on the genderqueer/trans spectrum for a long time, but I’ve only recently started binding and going out in public bound. And coming out to people about it, for that matter. I’m probably not fooling anyone because most men are not 5’4″ with ‘feminine’ facial structure, but whatever. My goal is to at least confuse a few people. AH DO WHAT AH WANT.

and again Saturday, Jul 17 2010 

Sometimes I go places and take pictures of unaware people and then draw them later because I am a HUGE CREEP. But the world is safe from my creepage for a while because my camera broke in Prague.

faces from st. chapelle, paris requiem pour un con

dionysus sketch i do not remember the context of this one

professor ewell kick

sketchin' sketchin' ladies

My face ends up in my sketchbook drawings a lot because I am vain because more often than not I use myself as reference for poses and whatnot. (see: entire second-to-last image)

“no, I only like scary music.” Saturday, Jul 17 2010 

This would have happened sooner but operating my scanner is like having your head slammed into it.
More or less in chronological order, ranging from November or December 2009 to the present.

at the airport before leaving for Italy

via guelfa: the weirdest street in florence anatomical musings in venice

in venice st. chapelle, paris. sir, you look like an angry fish.

Friday, Jul 16 2010 

Again, via Coilhouse. I really, really enjoy noir-flavored things about absolutely ridiculous subjects… like pie. The animation is incredibly slick and I really love the style–I’d love to see his concept sketches.

And hey, I have been drawing so there will be actual art posted soon.

magnetici, guizzanti, fascinosi, arroganti Friday, Jun 18 2010 

Well. Can’t say I’ve been all that productive so far this summer. The first of these is from a few days ago and the other two are from last night, and between this and getting back from Florence–whole lotta nothing. Illustrator fail.

bored of directors

put down the Fitzgerald and let's have a drink

your feathers are showing

I guess the caption to the last one would be “feather-brain”, but he looks too sly.
Maybe I haven’t done a whole lot of art this summer, but I have read thirteen books. (favorites thus far: Fitzgerald, Brave New World.)
Next: will attempt to make my own cologne.

squid! Wednesday, May 19 2010 

Via Coilhouse:

The Anachronism (Full Film) from Anachronism Pictures on Vimeo.

you can find debauchery by daylight, too. Thursday, May 13 2010 

While in Florence, I took an introductory class on classical mythology, some of which was spent reading The Bacchae by Euripides. Rather than writing a final paper on something scholarly and dull, my professor (he of the eminent cowlick and muppety voice) kindly allowed me to illustrate a few scenes from it instead. Despite my inability to show up on time and general poor behavior in class. We’d wander in a few minutes late and trip all over ourselves on the way to our seats and he’d sigh and say, “ah, yes, the three troublemakers have arrived,” and go on lecturing about the Iliad or whatever. Sorry, Ewell.

Anyway, four illustrations concerning the banter between Dionysus and Pentheus, shamelessly aping Mucha’s style (I went to the Mucha Museum in Prague… it was a delight).


The first two are the best, I think. That was before 5am rolled around.

My thing this summer is to go through all the Hemingway and Fitzgerald in my house, which is a lot. My dad has some handsome hardcover editions of both, and I know he’s read all the Hemingway but I’m not so sure about the Fitzgerald. He’s the sort of man who really likes Hemingway and Westerns and World War II and building realistic models of Wyatt Earp’s revolver (really) and briefly played professional football… you know, idealistically American.

I’m about half through with This Side of Paradise and enjoying it immensely. Of course I read The Great Gatsby in high school and think I liked it a lot, but I don’t remember much about the plot. (good thing Kate Beaton is around to refresh my memory) I have a tremendous soft spot for lit about disaffected, vain young men who are prone to posing and affectations. Mostly because I’m a disaffected, vain young human who is prone to posing and affectations god I am disgustingly self-centered. Carry on.

good morning. Wednesday, May 5 2010 

Dreamy vaguely-surrealist short film from 1943, via Warren Ellis. Maya Deren seriously reminds me of Solveig Dommartin in Wings of Desire here… it’s probs the hair.

stuff what I did in Florence Tuesday, May 4 2010 



venetian dudefluorescent byron

young dionysusoedipus

hello I love you won’t you tell me your name? Monday, May 3 2010 

I would be out hunting for a job, but this morning I woke up looking like someone had punched me in the eye. Cheers, allergies/mysterious insects. I even took out my septum ring for the occasion! Come on.

So. I spent the past four months carrying on my business in Florence, Italy, where it is beautiful and everyone is over the age of sixty. It’s such a slow-moving city full of old crap and old people and general geriatrics all around. But whatever, as a student I got to skip the lines and pop into the Uffizi fo’ free whenever I wanted. Botticelli on demand! Life is great. The program I was in—SU Florence–is just an extension of Real Syracuse, and as such it was full of the kind of people I try really hard to avoid at Real Syracuse. But it’s cool, I got to live with my friend and former radio-co-host (as well as two sorority girls) and got real tight with two peripheral friends in my major at Real Syracuse.

countries visited in the past four months: seven

Carnivale celebrations attended: two (both in Venice and Viareggio)

times I heard “Odessa” by Caribou: seventy-three

approximate cost of a beer in Romania: $0.75

times I took the train from Florence to Pisa & back: five

rounds of Polish Hearts completed: six

gin & tonics consumed: dude. so many.

cost of a good bottle of wine at a Florentine supermarket: $5.50

Australian Nick Cave devotees met: one

train stations slept in overnight: one

times I ordered things off a menu without understanding what it was, to disastrous results: three (onion pizza? why?)

pies Rosa baked: one

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